If you have a golden retriever, then there’s a high chance that you are somewhat familiar with a good game of fetch. If this is the case, then here are a few other games that you can play to try and get your dog a bit more excited as well as being able to deplete their energy.
Fetch Version Two
What golden retriever doesn’t like a good game of fetch? If you want to upgrade this, then you need to try and teach the toys by their name.. You can do this by simply repeating the name of the toy when they are playing with it and you can praise them for it at the same time. When you know that they are aware of the name of the toy and they have a solid game of fetch underway, you can then tell them to retrieve each toy accordingly. If they bring you the wrong toy then you can simply take the toy off them, repeat the command and praise them heavily when they get it right. Give them a lot of praise and also make sure that you are very patient with them, so that you can make sure that they are comfortable learning and not being overwhelmed by what is around them.
Hide and Seek
This may be a classic and it is something that the entire family can get involved with. It’s ideal if you want to play outside or even inside. You simply need to take turns in hiding, before you call your dog. You just need to make sure that you shower them with praise when they do find you, as this will help them to learn that finding you is the best thing ever. If you want to take things to that next level or if you want to do something special, then you can play this game with treats if you want. Hide treats around the house and let your dog follow their nose. If you want to play hide and seek, why not pick up a blanket from Woof blankets as an example? That way you can hide under a blanket that reflects your furry golden and the personality they have.
Clean Up
This is a fun challenge for your dog, and it comes with a very nice added bonus. You don’t need to be the one who is continually cleaning up after your dog if you do this. Start out with a heap of dog toys on the floor and then show your dog how to pick them up and retrieve them. When they are aware of how to do this, you then need to increase things a bit and have them carry on putting toys away. When they have a solid understanding of what you want them to do, you can then attach a command to the game and before you know it, you will have a command that will really work for them.
IMAGE SOURCE: Pexels.com