More and more people are becoming aware of the dangers and environmental problems that plastic can create. While many individuals are trying to limit single-use plastics, it is easy to forget about other plastic items in our household, such as dog toys.
What are harmful plastics?
Many plastic products today will come with the label “BPA and PVC free”. So what exactly is BPA (Bisphenol A) and PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)? BPA is an industrial chemical and PVC is a plastic polymer, studies show that these substances release harmful toxins during their life-cycle which can create harmful health risks. BPA and PVC, unfortunately, are still commonly found in plastic dog toys.
Does “recyclable” really make a difference?
“Reduce, reuse, recycle” has been a phrase that a lot of us have lived by for quite some time, and some may think as long as they recycle a dog toy after use it isn’t harmful to the environment. Recycling, however, does not offset the harm caused by producing the plastic, or the damage it could do to your pet. Even Greenpeace has researched the lack of proper recycling at waste centres.
How do we make the switch?
Thankfully, there are biodegradable versions of most products available online, including dog toys.
Sustainability for humans is great, but it is also important for your pet. Any dog owner will tell you how important it is to them to give their furry friends the best of the best in life. Of course, this doesn’t include dangerous chemicals in their toys. To this day studies still show alarming levels of lead in plastic dog toys, resulting in serious health issues including neurological damage and seizures.
Some of you may be thinking that your pets have had the same toy for quite some time with no visible repercussions. Researchers have found that older, worn dog toys can produce increased levels of BPA and high levels of this toxin can cause fertility issues in certain species.
Plastic dog toys contain higher levels of chemicals than those found in children’s toys. When searching for eco dog toys via the Wild Thought shop, it’s best to consider a few different factors, such as:
- Is it biodegradable?
- Is it food-grade silicone?
- Is it 100% natural rubber or cotton?
- Will it damage my pets gums?
- Is it a choking hazard?
It may seem daunting to switch to sustainable. Sometimes it can feel like an inconvenience. A few small changes to your everyday products can have a positive effect on your health and finances. Make the change, switch to sustainable. For yourself, your four-legged friends and the planet.